Technology Office Staff
Patrick Weisgerber
Level III Network Administrator
Melissa D'Ambrosio
Level III Database Administrator
Travis Grant
Level II Computer/Network Technician
Marcus Royal
Level I Computer Technician
James Mangold
Level I Computer Technician
Molly Simmons
Level I Computer Technician
District Technology Office
As you interact with your children at home or see them making their way down the street or through the mall, you will notice that today’s kids are connected – typing away on a laptop, text messaging on a smartphone, or swiping their way through apps on an iPad.
Today’s students are digital natives and this is how they learn, how they communicate, and how they solve problems. The presence of technology in the lives of our students is undeniable. It’s time to bring that technology into the classroom – every single day. This is education in the 21st century.
The district Technology Office Staff supports the Chromebook program in the Collingswood Public Schools by providing tools, resources, and support for the 21st century Learner. Excellence in education requires that technology is seamlessly integrated throughout the educational curricula. Increasing access to technology is essential to build upon college and career readiness skills. The individual use of Chromebooks is a way to empower students to maximize their full potential and to prepare them for college and the workplace.
Learning results from the continuous dynamic interaction among students, educators, parents, and the extended community. Technology immersion does not diminish the vital role of the teacher. To the contrary, it transforms the teacher from a director of learning to a facilitator of learning. Effective teaching and learning with Chromebooks integrates technology into the curriculum anytime, anyplace.
The Technology Office is responsible for supporting teachers, staff, students, and their families as they use the district-issued technology to communicate with and solve problems present in the world.